Post? Post.

I spent most of my writing time today doing boring things like writing up minutes for guild meetings where half the time was spent saying the same thing three different ways.  So here, have a filler post:

me: I’m going to write a blog post about how mean you are
kotakh.lizly:  cool
kotakh.lizly:  woudlnt writing a blog post about how mean i am…against the new blogging rules tho ?
kotakh.lizly:  ICALL DKP PENALTY ON YOU!!
 me:  YOU CANT
 kotakh.lizly:  pfft….GUILD MEETING
where’s Kyr when you need him
 kotakh.lizly:  must be polishing his totems…
me: …

Seriously, Kotakh is SUCH A MEANIE HEAD.   He was joking about going to join another guild and stuff and he just picks on me a ton.  :(

Also, briefly touching on the whole “sensitive blogging issue”:  while I’ll avoid naming names in most cases (except for HAR HAR ANDY FORGOT RF type posts), if you don’t want me to blog about you being an asshat?  Don’t be an asshat.  Or…whatever.  Fill in the blank.*

*This mark said flippantly.  The author does indeed have some vague sense of tact and what to avoid posting, but admits a weakness for cranky snarking.  As no one has shanked her yet and recruits continue to trickle in from the blog, she assumes she can’t be too far off the mark.

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  1. #1 by Ori on March 9, 2010 - 4:15 pm

    Kotakh being so mean to you is why I can’t join in on the joking! I think you’re awesome. <3

  2. #2 by Xindi on March 9, 2010 - 4:35 pm

    “This mark said flippantly. The author does indeed have some vague sense of tact and what to avoid posting, but admits a weakness for cranky snarking. As no one has shanked her yet and recruits continue to trickle in from the blog, she assumes she can’t be too far off the mark.”

    That is kinda precisely the point I was trying to make, though clearly did a poor job communicating it and apologize if that is the case. I genuinely wish everyone I read was as tactful as you are…I am not the only ‘blogger’ who has remarked on your ability to keep the actual ‘drama’ out of your posts.

    I believe one of the authors of HoTs and DoTs commended you on it as well a few weeks ago. I am really appreciative of the way you can post about things and are a good example under our guild tag, even before the guild became yours.I know that I personally am not capable of the amount of tact you’ve shown and have shown in the past and present.

  3. #3 by shadowtycho on March 9, 2010 - 4:49 pm

    as a note, waiting for someone to shank you is probibly not the best policy on “what to say what not to say” as your soft and meaty bits can only really get shanked good once.

  4. #4 by Ambrosine on March 9, 2010 - 5:07 pm

    @Xindi – Thank you. I was actually rather worried there, and trying to mentally sort through past posts wondering where I had erred so that I could avoid doing it again!

    I sometimes catch flack for blogging even IRL, so I tryyyyy to be careful.

  5. #5 by Krikket on March 9, 2010 - 5:12 pm

    Oops. Should I edit you out of my last post? Or do you want to continue to take credit for that masterful zinger? :P

  6. #6 by theerivs on March 9, 2010 - 5:53 pm

    I’m like school on sundays…no class. As for tact, I have tons of those…one for every chick I bone around the country. Boom Orland Park, I’ll theres a few tacts there….oh wait I meant Tacks never mind.

  7. #7 by Kotakh on March 10, 2010 - 8:40 am

    I finally have a TAG woohoo.

    I told you yesterday i was bored…and you posted nothing to unbored me. So i decided to have some fun at your expense, its only fair imo ;)

    Plus the fact that you actualy believed that Righteous Dawn would want me in their main 25 group is kinda flatering :)

  8. #8 by Ambrosine on March 10, 2010 - 9:52 am

    @Krikket – Hey I was proud of that one.

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